Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Chances are that if you visit the Tri-Cities Baker's Community Market you love food. You love making it, experimenting with it, shopping for new and unique products or simply eating it. We are very lucky to be able to have not only access to food, but the ability to choose what we eat and be creative with it. Unfortunately this is not the case for many people both around the world, take the famine in Africa, and here in our own community.

Sustainable production of food and food security are issues that I love learning about and supporting. I am thrilled to be sharing with you that the Market is now helping to make a difference in creating access to food in our own community: we are sponsoring SHARE Society, the local food bank.

How exactly will this work? If you visited the Market over the summer you may have entered the draw to win a basked filled with treats made by our talented vendors. This draw will continue but we ask that you please bring 3 items of non-perishable food in order the enter the draw. Items that are most needed include canned fruit and vegetables, pasta and rice, Ensure or other protein drinks, cereal and juice.

See you soon at the first Market; don't forget your 3 item of non-perishable food!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Are you a baker?

Do you love to create in the kitchen? Have a special dish that friends and family rave about? There is still space for vendors at the Fall and Christmas market dates for bakers and kitchen crafties who make unique and delicious items.

If you are interested contact Emily at for more information.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Welcome, Again

Welcome to the new home of the Tri-Cities Baker's Community Market! We are all excited to be back for fall and winter market dates and busy testing out and perfecting products. Check back frequently for updates on market activities and which vendors you can expect to see.